Issue - meetings

delegated authority to extend Supporting People contracts

Meeting: 13/05/2013 - Cabinet (Item 218)

218 Delegated authority to extend Supporting People contracts pdf icon PDF 68 KB


2.1       That approval be given for authority to be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Community Care, in conjunction with the Executive Director of Adult Social Care and the Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Governance, to extend a contract where there is an option to do so, or vary  the contractual terms in order to extend the contract period for:

i.                     All existing housing support contracts listed in Appendix 1 of the exempt report; and

ii.                   All contracts called-off the West London Housing Support Framework Agreement 2012-16, including those already called-off listed in appendix 2 of the exempt report.


2.2       That approval be given for authority to be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Community Care and the Cabinet Member for Children's Services, in conjunction with the Executive Director of Children's Services and the Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Governance, to extend a contract where there is an option to do so, or vary the contractual terms in order to extend the contract period for:

i.     All existing supported housing contracts for young people leaving care, listed in Appendix 3 of the exempt report; and

ii.    Any future contracts for young people leaving care that are called off the Framework.


2.3       That each of the proposed Cabinet Member Decision reports seeking approval to extend or vary a contract as set out in recommendations 2.1 and 2.2 above shall detail the financial, legal and procurement implications and include details of savings and service improvements, be noted.