Issue - meetings

Award of contract to support an employee-led mutual providing services to schools and Award of contract to support an employee-led mutual providing services to schools and Tri-borough Councils

Meeting: 04/03/2013 - Cabinet (Item 169)

169 Creation of an Employee-Led Mutual and Selection of the Business Partner pdf icon PDF 138 KB


1.      That approval be given to the creation of 3 Borough Mutual (3BM), an Employee-Led Mutual that will become external to the Council and, through a joint venture company with an independent business partner, trade in the provision of support services to schools and consultancy services to local authorities.


2.      That approval be given to Prospects Services Limited being selected as the independent sector partner to help establish and support the growth of 3BM, with Prospects Service Limited taking a minority shareholding in the joint venture.


3.      That approval be given to award a 4-year contract between the Council and 3BM for strategic consultancy services on education and schools-related matters which.


a)        commences on 2 April 2013;


b)        is for consultancy services valued at £977,891 for the 2013/2014 financial year, and which will incrementally reduce to £765,641 by 2017/18;


c)         provides an option to extend, via one or more extensions, for a further 3-years if in the Council’s interest to do so, and that the decision on activating any extension(s) is delegated to the Leader and Cabinet Member for Children’s Services;


d)        has a robust performance management specification, with clear provision for termination should a party default.


4.      That the final format form of the Agreement between the Council and 3BM be delegated to The Leader and Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, in consultation with the Executive Directors for Children’s Services and Environment, Leisure and Residents Services, be approved.


5.      That approval be given to vary the Council’s IT services contract with the H&F Bridge Partnership (HFBP) so as to enable 3BM to access ICT services from HFBP as an authorised Sub-Customer.


6.      That approval be given to novate existing relevant contracts between the Council and schools for the provision of support services to 3BM.


7.      That approval be given to delegate to the Leader and Cabinet Member for Children’s Services (in consultation with the Executive Director for Finance & Corporate Services, the Executive Director for Tri-borough Children’s Services, and the Bi-borough Director for Law) authority to arrange usage by 3BM of appropriate assets and leases, as described in paragraph 8.5 of the report.


8.      That approval be delegated to the Executive Director of Finance & Corporate Governance, in consultation with the Leader of the Council to enter into such agreements as are considered necessary in relation to the pension and workforce matters referred to in paragraphs 8.2 and 8.3 of the report.


9.      That Cabinet note the transitional issues described in section 8 of the report and agrees that a report on these be submitted by Executive Director for Tri-Borough Children’s Services at its meeting on 13th May 2013.