Issue - meetings

3rd Sector Investment Fund Allocation

Meeting: 01/09/2014 - Cabinet (Item 18)

18 3rd Sector Investment Fund Allocation report pdf icon PDF 278 KB

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Cabinet received a report seeking approval to fund 54 services for an initial 18 month term.  During this time, the Council will review service specifications, funding support and performance of funded services to ensure they robustly support the priorities of the Council and the needs of local residents.


Councillor Sue Fennimore noted that the new Administration was determined to strengthen its partnership with the 3rd sector and ensure that the services provided are even more effective and reach as many people as possible. Councillor Hamilton expressed concern that the Sands End Associated Projects In Action (SEAPIA) application was not recommended for approval.  Officers noted that that SEAPIA had requested funding for a citizenship project rather than the Adventure playground.  Officers will meet with the Group to go through their application.  Further funding would be available via the 2nd bidding round.


The Leader noted that the new Administration had increased the budget by 40% providing greater opportunities for organisations to access funding than previously available.  He welcomed the move to strengthen the relationship with the 3rd Sector and work in close partnership around a shared objective of promoting social inclusion and improving the lives of residents.





1.     That funding of 54 services for the period December 2014 until May 2016 (18 months) be approved:-

1.1        £463,500 investment in Infrastructure services

1.2        £882,701 investment in Children, Young People & Families services, including funding for a number of services commissioned by Children’s Services which are delivered by 3rd sector organisations and will contribute to the delivery of the specification outcomes.

1.3        £760,000 investment in Economic Development services, including consideration of additional employment support services needed for local residents.

1.4        £772,834 investment in Health & Wellbeing services.

1.5        £365,084 investment in Safer Communities services, including £145,833 contribution to Tri-Borough commissioning of VAWG services, or funding of local domestic violence services from April 2015.

1.6        £517,501 investment in Arts, Culture & Sport services.

1.7         £192,191 investment in Environment & Community Transport services, with the Community Transport service recommended for funding (and its associated budget moved to Infrastructure).

1.8        £202,500 investment in Homelessness Prevention & Home Safety services.

1.9        That extension of funding agreements beyond May 2016 will be subject to a review of 3rd Sector Support, 3SIF service specifications and performance of funded groups.

2.      That a number of services funded under 3SIF be identified and developed to pilot a social investment approach.


3.      That further investment be made in the annual Fast Track Small Grant scheme.


4.      That the balance of the 3rd Sector Investment Fund be tendered for additional services that contribute to delivering the priorities of the Administration; and 


5.      That authority be given for this funding to be awarded by the Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion in conjunction with the Executive Director for Finance and Corporate Services and with the relevant Cabinet Member(s).


6.      That part of the balance of 3SIF from 2014-15 be carried forward to 2015-16.