Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Children and Education (expired July 2024)
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Greenside Primary School converted to academy
status in 2015 as part of the Elliot Foundation Academies Trust
(EFAT) with a 125 year lease of the school buildings and land. At
same time, the caretaker’s lodge, Greenside Cottage, was also
leased to the Trust on a 125 years, the user being residential use
for the caretaker (the lease is still subsisting). The
school’s reception area is constricted and creates practical
issues but remodelling the space would be problematic due to the
building being listed. This report recommends re-leasing Greenside
Cottage to the EFAT to enable the Academy to utilise it as a new
main entrance after suitable remodelling and approval is therefore
being sought.
That approval be given:
1. To surrender the current lease and regrant a new lease of Greenside Cottage, to EFAT for a term expiring on 31st March 2140 (coterminous with the Academy lease).
2. To delegate authority to the Director for the Economy in consultation with the Assistant Director of Legal Services to finalise and complete negotiations and legal documentations with EFAT to give effect to the decision in 1 above.
Approving the grant of the lease will provide an effective solution to an identified potential safeguarding issue and free up the current office space that could be used as an additional small learning space for students who require additional support in a multisensory space.
1. Option 1: Do not approve grant of the lease: Not recommended
This option represents the status-quo. It fails, however, to facilitate a solution to the improvements needed to the school’s reception area. Alternative uses for Greenside Cottage are unlikely to be practical given its position within the school grounds, listed status and state of repair.
2. Option 2: Approve grant of the lease: recommended
This option would allow the EFAT to progress the improvements needed at no cost to the council and make effective use of Greenside Cottage, whilst also improving facilities for learners with SEND. There would be no further obligations for the Council for works on the site and the EFAT will be responsible for the maintenance of the site for the duration of the lease.
Publication date: 03/08/2022
Date of decision: 27/06/2022
Accompanying Documents: