Decision details

Procurement Strategy for Semi-Independent Living (SIL) for Care Leavers and Young People at Risk and variation of contract

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Children and Education (expired July 2024)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Decision paper to award a contract, following procurement exercise to tender for SIL for Young People At Risk and Care Leavers.


1.      That the procurement strategy be approved.


2.      That approval be given to vary the existing contracts with St Christopher’s Fellowship and Centrepoint Soho for the provision of supported housing services for young people at risk of homelessness to include an extension from 1 April 2022 to 31 April 2022 for £47,108 (£25,858 and £21,250 respectively), bringing the total value of the contract to £612,404.

Reasons for the decision:

As these services approach their contract end dates it is necessary to undertake this exercise to ensure we have new arrangements in place for a contract start date of 1 May 2022, and to ensure thereis a clear pathway into independent living and in order for the Council to fulfil its statutory responsibilities towards both young people at risk of homelessness and care leavers requiring semi-independent living (SIL) services.


Alternative options considered:

·         Do nothing we do not believe this to be a safe option, the current contracts will expire early in 2022 have not been competitively tendered for a significant period of time and do not offer the volume of units required for both cohorts across H&F. Allowing contracts to expire with no governance approval or contractual arrangement in place with the provider presents a series of risks. In addition to this, we need to ensure we are achieving best value for money and are supporting as many of our young people as possible locally.


·         Run a new open tender exercise – either as an open or a two-stage restricted tender process, with a potential pre-qualification stage to shortlist a reduced number of suppliers able to proceed to the second stage of the evaluation process. We do not believe this to be the best option as the current DPV currently serves this purpose and has admitted only verified and compliant providers to the system.  Undertaking a new restricted or open tender would only create duplication and likely attract suppliers that are already registered on the DPV. In addition to this, a new, separate tender exercise with an associated document suite would put a significant strain on resources.


·         Use an existing multi supplier provider Framework Agreement or Dynamic Purchasing System – such as the SIL DPV to enable the Council to call off contracts or run a mini competition, for a single lot contract. This is the recommended option.


Publication date: 09/12/2021

Date of decision: 08/12/2021

Effective from: 14/12/2021

Accompanying Documents: