Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
This report provides a financial update on the
council’s capital programme at the end of the second quarter
and requests approval for any budget variations.
1. To approve the proposed budget variations to the capital programme totalling £9.1m (summarised in Table 1 and detailed in Appendix 2).
2. To note the potential risks regarding the Housing Capital Programme, as summarised in paragraphs 26, 27 and 28.
3. To approve budget amendments of £1,016,000, funded from borrowing, to complete transport and parks schemes for which expected TfL grants and section 106 contributions are no longer available (see Appendix 2 for detail).
4. To approve funding from borrowing of £455,000 for previously approved transport schemes for which S106 and TfL funding contributions are no longer available.
Report author: Andrew Lord
Publication date: 05/01/2021
Date of decision: 04/01/2021
Decided at meeting: 04/01/2021 - Cabinet
Effective from: 08/01/2021
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