Decision details

Corporate Revenue Monitor 2020/21 Month 4 - 31 July 2020

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Update on forecast variance at end of July 2020.



1.     To approve the General Fund virements of £4.884m and £0.276m HRA virements as detailed in appendix 9.

2.     To note General Fund forecast overspend of £8.691m, £5.844m of which arises from the in-year impact of Covid-19 on the General Fund.

3.     To note the Housing Revenue underspend of £1.006m.

4.     To note the in-year Dedicated Schools Grant overspend of £3.582m.

5.     To note the need to develop and implement mitigation measures to close overspends.

Report author: Gary Ironmonger

Publication date: 03/11/2020

Date of decision: 02/11/2020

Decided at meeting: 02/11/2020 - Cabinet

Effective from: 06/11/2020

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