Decision details

Leader's Urgent Decision - Procurement Strategy and Business case in respect of Telephony for duty numbers 2019/2020

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report seeks approval for the necessary decisions to implement a strategy where teams use a software-based phone and a headset to take duty calls instead of desk phones.


Reasons for urgency:

The recommended solution needs to be in place before teams begin to decant as part of the West King Street Regeneration programme in June 2019. For business continuity purposes, staff need appropriate telephony in place and a decision needs to be taken before the next Cabinet meeting to purchase the required products.


It is recommended that the Leader:

1.    Approves the total funds required over 7 years for the Telephony Duty Number strategy as set out in the exempt appendix.

2.    Approves the spend for one-off costs and 1st year support to be funded from existing budget from Programmes as set out in the exempt appendix.

3.    Notes that the spend for on-going annual support from year 2 onwards will be met by operational efficiencies.

4.    Approves a waiver of the requirement to have an approved Business Case and Procurement Strategy set out in Contract Standing Order (`CSO`) 8.12 for the purchase of softphone software licences on the grounds that this is in the overall interests of the Council. 

5.    Approve the purchase of up to 700 Openscape Personal Edition software licences and ongoing support for up to 7years by way of a call-off contract from the RB Kensington & Chelsea framework for network services for the purchase of mobile phones and desk phones with British Telecom plc, and delegate authority to the Strategic Director for Finance and Governance, in consultation with the Chief Information Officer and the Cabinet Member for Finance and Commercial Services to select the BT sub-contractor that will fulfil the Council’s requirement. The contract value is stated in the exempt appendix.

6.    To approve the waiver of CSOs 10.2 (table 10.2a) of the requirement to seek competitive bids in respect of the purchase of headsets, on the basis that it is in the council’s overall interest to make a direct award.

7.    To delegate authority to the Strategic Director for Finance and Governance, in consultation with the Chief Information Officer and the Cabinet Member for Finance and Commercial Services, to make a direct award to Vodaphone for the purchase of suitable headsets at a value of approximately £45,000 following a quotation exercise. 


Reasons for the decision:

Leaders approval is required to award contract in order to implement the Duty Number strategy which will ultimately impact all service areas, their front-line telephony services and the way in which teams communicate with residents over a call. A Leader’s Urgent Decision is required as a solution needs to be in place before teams begin to decant as part of the West King Street Regeneration programme in June 2019.


Alternative options considered:

Option 1: Do nothing.

Option 2: Procure the licences for new desk phones through a call off contract from an existing single-supplier framework agreement set up by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea on a pan-London basis for Information Technology and Communication Services.

Option 3: Expand the use of Netcall and use with corporate mobile phones.

Option 4: Procure the licenses for a suitable softphone product (Openscape Personal Edition) through a call-off contract from an existing single-supplier framework agreement set up by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea on a pan-London basis for Information Technology and Communication Services. Recommended option. 


Urgent item?: Yes

Publication date: 10/06/2019

Date of decision: 07/06/2019

Effective from: 13/06/2019

Accompanying Documents: