Decision details

Leader's Urgent Decision - Good Growth Fund - NOURISH Project

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The NOURISH project is designed to bring disused local authority premises back into use to provide an opportunity for the local community to engage in education and training. The project will also deliver enhancements to the environmental performance public realm through multi-functional Green Infrastructure initiatives which create resilient, climate adapting spaces, and provide innovative flood risk management and improved air quality.


Reasons for urgency:

Urgency required to enter into funding agreement with Greater London Authority urgently as the deadline has already passed.


1.    Agree to delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Growth and Place, in consultation with the Strategic Director of Finance and Governance, the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration and the Cabinet Member for Finance to use Section 106 monies to fund the Nourish project as outlined in the Finance section in the report.


2.    Agree to delegate authority to the Strategic Director for Growth and Place, in consultation with the Strategic Director of Finance and Governance, the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration and the Cabinet Member for Finance to take the necessary steps to enter into funding agreement with the Greater London Authority to secure the match funding for the project.


3.    Agree to delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Growth and Place in consultation with the Strategic Director of Finance and Governance, the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration and the Cabinet Member for Finance to take the necessary steps to enter into funding agreement with partners to secure additional funding for the Nourish project.


The full decision can be found in the exempt report.

Reasons for the decision:

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, unveiled the first investments in community growth and development across the capital as part of his £70 million Good Growth Fund. £24 million has been awarded to 27 projects which put local communities at the heart of regeneration, enabling Londoners to actively participate in their local communities and give people a voice in shaping how the capital will grow. LBHF have received one of the largest funding awards in the city. This will be an exemplar project and the only Nourish programme in the UK.


3.2. White City and Edward Woods estates have high levels of deprivation and contain a Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOAs) in the bottom 10% nationally, with low levels of employment compared with the borough and London average, and high levels of health and disability challenges for their residents. The estates require intervention to support them in a number of ways.


The estates are less than 30mins walking distance apart (see Appendix 4 and 4A), separated by Westfield White City, one of the premier shopping centers in Europe. With the close proximity of Westfield and other larger businesses in the area, we will look to leverage further private sector resource to support the wider aims and objectives of Nourish.


The Council’s 2017 Industrial Growth Strategy ‘Economic Growth for Everyone’ includes several commitments that are addressed by the Nourish project; such as ‘Addressing under-utilised council land and assets’, ‘Improve town centers and public realm’, ‘Discover, enable and promote “mean-while” uses to make the most of temporarily vacant or underused land by 2019’.

Alternative options considered:

The options can be found in the exempt report.

Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:


Publication date: 11/06/2018

Date of decision: 08/06/2018

Effective from: 14/06/2018

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