Decision details

Strategic Housing Stock Options Appraisal

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To authorise a programme of work to identify options and benefits for a different future for housing which may include the transfer of the Council’s housing stock, and include the undertaking of detailed feasibility studies, prior to putting the issue before tenants in a ballot.


1.1.        That approval be given to proceeding with and producing a Strategic Housing Stock Options Appraisal (SHSOA) for the future financing, ownership and management of the Council’s housing stock, as set out in section 5 of this report.

1.2.        That approval be given to carrying out an initial residents engagement programme to ascertain residents initial views on the possible options open to the council with regards to its Housing Stock, set out in Appendix 1, as the first stage of any strategic housing stock options programme.

1.3.        That approval be given to the budget of £1.5 million funded from the General Fund Reserves for the preparation and submission of the Strategic Housing Stock Options Appraisal business case and report to Cabinet. The contribution from the HRA to these costs will be calculated after the procurement of services in line with DCLG regulations. Approval of this contribution is delegated to the Cabinet Member for Housing. 

1.4.        That approval be given to the establishment of a ‘Residents Commission on Council Housing’, for strategic oversight of the Stock Options Appraisal comprising of approximately a dozen residents supported by the programme manager.

1.5.        That in accordance with the provisions of Contract Standing Orders paragraph 11.4, framework agreements operated by either the Crown Commercial Service and/or the Homes & Communities Agency be used to procure the necessary specialist advice.

1.6.        That the requirements contained in Contract Standing Order 12.3 for the Cabinet to make contract awards be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Housing, in order to progress the related procurement processes for: -

a)            external Independent Tenants Advisor, including Contract Award on the basis that extension options are included to allow for further advice, should stock transfer be recommended.

b)            external legal advice including Contract Award on the basis that extension options are included to allow for further advice, should stock transfer be recommended;

c)            consultancy to conduct a comprehensive refresh of stock condition information to a warrantable standard including Contract Award on the basis that extension options are included to allow for further advice, periodic updates throughout the programme as required, rights to the data and analysis be available/assigned to any new organisation(s) and their advisors, should stock transfer be recommended;

d)            external property and surveying advice including Contract Award on the basis that extension options are included to allow for further advice, should stock transfer be recommended;

e)            external financial advice including Contract Award on the basis that extension options are included to allow for further advice, should stock transfer be recommended;

f)             external Communications and Consultation Advisor including Contract Award on the basis that extension options are included to allow for further advice, should stock transfer be recommended.

up to a maximum cumulative estimated value of £1.5 million for the Strategic Housing Stock Options Appraisal.

1.7.        That authorisation be given to the Programme Team to share data and analysis with the Residents Commission on Council Housing, external advisors, and funders etc as required throughout the Strategic Housing Stock Options Appraisal in accordance with the Council’s Information Sharing Protocols.

1.8.        That delegated authority be given to the Cabinet Member for Housing in conjunction with the Executive Director for Housing & Regeneration to progress the Options Appraisal and then report the outcomes back to the Cabinet, where there is a desire to deliver an interim progress report to the ERH&A Policy & Accountability Committee in May/June 2015, and to conclude this process at the earliest opportunity with a report to Cabinet in August/September 2015. This assumes timely progression of activities throughout the Strategic Housing Options Appraisal.

1.9.        That authorisation be given to the Executive Director for Housing & Regeneration to hold exploratory discussions with Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), HM Treasury, Homes & Communities Agency (HCA) and Greater London Authority (GLA) on process, funding and timetable to ensure the Strategic Options Appraisal meets all parties’ requirements.

1.10.      That members of the Economic Regeneration, Housing and the Arts Policy and Accountability Committee be invited to participate in the Stock Options Appraisal process.


Report author: Geoff Wharton

Publication date: 04/12/2014

Date of decision: 01/12/2014

Decided at meeting: 01/12/2014 - Cabinet

Effective from: 08/12/2014

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