Decision details

Phoenix Leisure Centre

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Council’s existing arrangement with Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) whereby GLL manages public use, including usage by other schools, of the swimming pool and gym facilities at Phoenix High School is due to expire 31st December 2013. Under Contracts Standing Orders (CSOs), the Council would normally run a competition to determine who should manage this arrangement on the Council’s behalf after December 2013, should the school wish to continue making the facilities available for others to use.

Approval is therefore sought for a number of interim measures. Namely, the waiving of Contracts Standings Orders to allow the negotiation of a new interim contract with GLL, at potentially reduced cost, for a period of no more than 19 months.


1.1.            That the requirement of the Council’s Contract Standing Orders to seek competitive tenders be waived in accordance with CSO 3.1, and that negotiations with Greenwich Leisure Limited for a new interim contract for the management of public leisure facilities at Phoenix High School, in accordance with Contracts Standing Order 9.11, be approved.


1.2.            That the duration of this interim contract with GLL be aligned with the ending of the school academic year in July 2015, be approved.


1.3.            That the interim contract with GLL continues, and for no more than the existing contract price of £388,000 per annum, be approved.


1.4.            That the award of the final form of contract, following negotiations with GLL, be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Residents Services in consultation with the Executive Director of Environment, Leisure and Residents Services, be approved.


1.5.            That a Prior Information Notice be posted to gauge future market interest and aid pre-procurement dialogue between interested organisations, Phoenix High School and H&F on what shape a future (2015-2019) contract should take to optimise value for money.

Report author: David Page

Publication date: 04/09/2013

Date of decision: 02/09/2013

Decided at meeting: 02/09/2013 - Cabinet

Effective from: 09/09/2013

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