Decision details

Procurement of Out of Hours Contact Centre Service - Joint Partnership to continue for the OOH telephony service provision

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Reform

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Provision of Joint Out-of-Hours (OOH) emergency contact centre services through the Joint Out of Hours Partnership to deliver comprehensive OOH contact services, encompassing Adults and Children's Social Care, Environmental Services, Building Control, Highways, and Emergency Services.


1.         To note that that Appendices B, D and E are not for publication on the basis that they contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) as set out in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


2.         That LBHF commits and continues to remain part of the Joint partnerships/new contract with the chosen supplier and retain an overarching contract agreement and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with other partners. To note that Ealing will also remain as the Lead Partner.


Reasons for the decision:

1.    The proposal is for LBHF to remain within the Joint OOH Partnership and participate in the competitive dialogue procurement for the Joint Out of Hours Telephony contract as the current contract ends on Monday, 20th October 2025.


2.    The current contract with Capita was of 7 years’ duration, and there is no option to extend.


Alternative options considered:

1.    Option 1: Do nothing – Current contract expires, and no new contract is procured (Not Recommended)

2.    Option 2: Deliver the service in-house (make/buy decision) (Not Recommended)

3.    Option 3: The Council undertakes a full regulated procurement process, advertised to the market, directly (Not Recommended)

4.    Option 4: Procure using a compliant framework or Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), using a mini competition (Not Recommended)

5.    Option 5: Procure using a compliant framework, using a direct award (Not Recommended)

6.    Option 6: The Council continues to remain part of the Joint Partnership, and is part of the collaborative procurement led by Ealing Council (Recommended)


Publication date: 23/09/2024

Date of decision: 20/09/2024

Effective from: 27/09/2024

Accompanying Documents: