Decision details

Decision to introduce a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) relating to street harassment

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion and Community Safety

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report recommends that a PSPO is introduced across the borough, to reduce incidents of harassment that cause distress and alarm to people who live, work, or visit the Hammersmith & Fulham. This in line with the council’s commitment to ending violence against women and girls. It is proposed that this Order remains in force for a period of three years.


That the Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion and Community Safety:? 


  1. Approves the introduction of a new Street Harassment PSPO across the borough.
  2. Delegates authority to sign the PSPO to the Assistant Director of Community Safety, Resilience and CCTV.

Reasons for the decision:

The council is proposing that the PSPO is introduced, following the results of a public consultation, legal advice and wider research exercises conducted. When asked whether in support of the PSPO, 84.5% of respondents to the public consultation were in favour. When expanded upon, several people noted their support of further measures to tackle harassment, particularly citing incidents they have experienced or witnessed in the borough.


If the PSPO is introduced, comprehensive training for all staff responsible for issuing warnings and fines would be administered, in line with a clear enforcement policy. Alongside this, the PSPO would provide opportunity for a wider educational campaign to reduce street-based harassment, challenging stereotypes that drive incidents of harassment, and informing residents of behaviour that could make someone feel uncomfortable or distressed.


Key partners from the Law Enforcement Team and the Metropolitan Police are also in support of the proposed PSPO. The PSPO is a vital tool to help manage this form of violence against women and girls, in addition to all residents.

Alternative options considered:

Option 1- To introduce a PSPO tackling street harassment in Hammersmith & Fulham. This is the recommended option.


Option 2 - Monitor the impact of the Protection from Sex-Based Harassment in Public Act, and review introducing PSPO in a years’ time. Not recommended.


Option 3 – Do nothing – do not introduce the Street Harassment PSPO. Not recommended.

Publication date: 21/06/2024

Date of decision: 21/06/2024

Effective from: 27/06/2024

Accompanying Documents: