Decision details

Award of Emlyn Gardens: Adults with learning disabilities supported living contract

Decision Maker: Deputy Leader (with responsibility for Children and Education)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Emlyn Gardens is a new building in the White City area with 8 flats, three of which are wheelchair accessible. This report seeks approval to award the Emlyn Gardens: Adults with learning disabilities supported living contract to Metropolitan Housing Trust (MHT) for three years with an option to extend for a further two years, to commence on 11 July 2022, following a clear, fair, and robust procurement process.



1.    To approve the award of a contract to Metropolitan Housing Trust (MHT) for the delivery of a supported living service for adults with learning disabilities. The initial term of the contract will be for three-year commencing 11 July 2022 to 10th July 2025 (with the option to extend for up to a further period of two years). The core value of this contract over the five-year term is £1,624,770. The estimated core cost over the initial three-year period is £974,862. The estimated core cost of thetwo-year extension period is £649,908. Over the lifetime of the contract there will also be an additional annual cost of flexible hours at the hourly rate of £17.87. The number of flexible hours will vary and is dependent on residents’ needs. The current estimate of flexi hours over the 5-year contract is 69,086 which equates to a cost of £1,234,558.


2.    To approve the expenditure of £33,145, through the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG), which includes a payment of £17,145 to MHT to cover set up costs for the new building and a payment directly to the eight residents and their families to assist in furnishing their new flats of £2,000, a total of £16,000.


Reasons for the decision:

1.    Following a robust procurement and assessment process it is proposed the contract will be awarded to the provider who submitted the most economically advantageous tender (MEAT).


2.      By awarding a three-year contract to MHT this will ensure that the following social care priorities are achieved:


Alternative options considered:

Option 1

1.  Do Nothing - Not recommended. This does not support the council’s long-term commitment to increase the supply of disabled, accessible housing within the borough. This is also not deemed as a viable option as there are residents waiting to move in. A care and support service needs to be place before this happens.


Option 2

2.  To award a five-year contract to MHT following a robust procurement process – Recommended. This option is recommended as will ensure the provision of good quality, long-term homes for residents with learning disabilities within the borough, close to their family and their circles of support. It will also ensure that the successful provider, the Council and other partners all facilitate an Independent Living approach, providing greater choice and control for our residents.


Publication date: 01/07/2022

Date of decision: 29/06/2022

Effective from: 06/07/2022

Accompanying Documents: