Decision details

Corporate revenue monitor 2017/18 month 5 - 31st August 2017

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Corporate Revenue Forecast as at Month 5


1.    To note the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Month 5 forecast revenue outturn variances.


2.    To agree the departmental action plans amounting to £1.855m, seeking to address the General Fund gross overspend forecast variance of £4.887m and require that they identify and deliver further actions to reduce the net forecast overspend, after mitigating, actions of £3.032m.


3.    To note that Children’s Services will prepare an action plan to recover the £2.1m Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) overspend within two years as required by the grant conditions and for progress to be reported monthly. Children’s Services are considering recent announcements on DSG funding.


4.    To approve the proposed virements requests in appendix 11.

Report author: James Arthur

Publication date: 06/12/2017

Date of decision: 04/12/2017

Decided at meeting: 04/12/2017 - Cabinet

Effective from: 11/12/2017

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