Decision details

Redress Scheme For Lettings Agency And Property Management Operators

Decision Maker: Cabinet Members' Decisions

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport & Residents Services on: 16 March 2015


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member for the Cabinet Member for Housing on: 20 March 2015


1.            To delegate the implementation and enforcement of The Redress Schemes for Lettings Agency Work and Property Management Work (Requirement to Belong to a Scheme etc.) (England) Order 2014 to the Director for Environmental Health.


2.            To note that the day to day enforcement of the Order will be undertaken by officers in the Trading Standards Service in accordance with the existing authorisation in the Council’s constitution.


3.            To agree that the monetary penalty for non-compliance with the Order be set at the maximum sum of £5,000 in line with the recommendations of the final Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) guidance.


4.            To authorise the Director for Environmental Health to make amendments to the amount of the monetary penalty, in accordance with the guidance where the enforcement authority is satisfied that there are extenuating circumstances taking into account any representations made by the lettings agent or property manager during the 28 day period, following the authority’s notice of intention to issue a fine. 


Publication date: 26/03/2015

Date of decision: 26/03/2015

Decided at meeting: 26/03/2015 - Cabinet Members' Decisions

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