Decision details

Strengthening/Refurbishment Of Hammersmith Bridge

Decision Maker: Cabinet Members' Decisions

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on 15 December 2014


1.1.        To tender for the design and build of the refurbishment/strengthening works on Hammersmith Bridge which will incorporate the request from TFL buses to strengthen the grade 2 listed structure to 18T to allow double decker buses use the bridge.


1.2.    To note that the tendering process is to be fully funded by London Bridge Engineering Group (LoBEG) at a total cost of £200k.


Publication date: 30/12/2014

Date of decision: 30/12/2014

Decided at meeting: 30/12/2014 - Cabinet Members' Decisions

Accompanying Documents: