Decision details

Earl's Court Redevelopment and statutory and wider consultation

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Council has been exploring the benefits of including the West Kensington and Gibbs Green estates within the proposed comprehensive redevelopment of Earl's Court and Lillie Bridge depot.



1.  That the Cabinet note and consider the Analysis of Consultation Responses (Appendix 5) regarding the recent statutory and wider consultation. 


2.  That the Cabinet note and consider the Equalities Impact Assessment (Appendix 12) prepared in respect of the proposed decisions which are the subject of this report.


3.  In light of the Analysis of Consultation Responses and the Equalities Impact Assessment and having regard to the regeneration benefits summarised in this report, that the Cabinet should agree that it is willing to  enter into a Conditional Land Sale Agreement (CLSA) and relevant associated documents as set out in paragraph 6.12 of this report, with EC Properties LP, part of the Capital and Counties Properties plc group of companies (referred to as Capco within the report) to include  the West Kensington and Gibbs Green Estates (the Estates) in the proposed comprehensive redevelopment scheme.


4. That approval is given to include the Tenant and Leaseholder/Freeholder Assurances within the agreed CLSA.


5. That the Council approve the disposal to EC Properties LP (Capco) of land formerly occupied by Gibbs Green School within the overall CLSA on terms set out in this report, with the disposal proceeds to be applied to a replacement educational facility.


6. To approve the disposal to EC Properties LP  (Capco) of land at 11 Farm Lane within the overall CLSA, as set out in the report.


7. To authorise the Executive Director of Housing and Regeneration to prepare an application for the Secretary of State’s consent for the necessary disposal of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) land, for submission to Full Council and appoint  supporting advisors necessary to help secure such consent. 


8. To give delegated authority to the Executive Director of Housing and Regeneration in consultation with the Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Governance to purchase leasehold and freehold interests situated on the land (Estates), included within the CLSA, by agreement up to a cumulative value of £15m funded from the Decent Neighbourhoods Fund and appoint  advisors to support these acquisitions.


9. To approve the 4 year budget as set out in section 9 funded from the Decent Neighbourhoods Fund and provide the Executive Director of Housing and Regeneration with delegated approval to finalise the allocation of resources within this budget envelope.


10. That capital receipts arising from the CLSA are used to cover costs of disposal and those incurred in delivering the project and that the portion received in respect of land and properties currently held within the Housing Revenue Account is reinvested (so far as lawfully possible) in housing and regeneration, including:


  • To fund capital expenditure on area-based improvements that help the Council achieve its corporate objectives;
  • To develop or acquire new affordable housing to meet identified housing needs, including where appropriate by the extension of properties;
  • To fund tenant incentive initiatives (qualifying as capital expenditure) that free up council housing which is in demand for those in housing need (e.g. for larger family accommodation);
  • Subject to the Council ensuring that its statutory housing responsibilities to meet housing needs are performed, to use receipts to reduce HRA or General Fund debt where this is identified as a priority, and where repayment of the debt is of net financial benefit to the Council’s HRA or General Fund;
  • To invest in capital expenditure on planned maintenance of the Council’s current housing stock until this is fully funded by the HRA revenue account.  


11. To authorise the Executive Director of Housing and Regeneration to consult on the draft Earl’s Court Local Lettings Plan and Re-housing policy.


Report author: Stephen Kirrage

Publication date: 05/09/2012

Date of decision: 03/09/2012

Decided at meeting: 03/09/2012 - Cabinet

Effective from: 10/09/2012

Accompanying Documents: