Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
This report provides a financial update on the
Council’s Capital Programme and seeks approval for budget
variations, as at the end of the second quarter
1. To approve the proposed budget variations to the capital programme totalling £15m (summarised in Table 1 and detailed in Appendix 2).
2. To approve use of £42k of Short Breaks capital grant to reduce the funding shortfall for the Queen’s Manor project.
3. To approve capitalisation of ICT desktop strategy costs of £3.7m of which £3.3m is to be funded from GF mainstream resources and £0.4m from HRA contributions.
4. To approve write-off of capitalised expenditure to date of £0.383m for Becklow Gardens and £0.547m for Jepson House as these schemes will now be delivered through the Affordable Housing Delivery Framework rather than directly by the Council. The write-off will be funded from HRA earmarked reserves.
Report author: Andrew Lord
Publication date: 16/01/2019
Date of decision: 14/01/2019
Decided at meeting: 14/01/2019 - Cabinet
Effective from: 21/01/2019
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