Decision details

Council Tax Base and Collection Rate 2011/12

Decision Maker: Cabinet, Full Council

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


This report contains an estimate of the Council Tax collection rate and calculates the Council Tax base for 2011/12.

The Council Tax base will be used in the calculation of the Band D Council Tax undertaken in the Revenue Budget Report for 2011/12.


8.25pm - The report and recommendations were moved for adoption by the Deputy Leader, Councillor Nicholas Botterill.


The report and recommendations were put to the vote:


FOR                         24

AGAINST                0



The report and recommendations were declared CARRIED.




That the following recommendations for the 2011-2012 financial year be approved:


(1)    the estimated numbers of properties for each Valuation Band, as set out in the report be approved;


(2)    an estimated Collection rate of 97.5% be approved; and


(3)    the Council Tax Base of 79,799 Band “D” equivalent properties be approved.


Report author: Steve Barrett

Publication date: 09/02/2011

Date of decision: 26/01/2011

Decided at meeting: 26/01/2011 - Full Council

Accompanying Documents: